Inner Mongolia (內蒙古自治區) Local Issue, Najitun (那吉屯)

Najitun (那吉屯) – Date of Liberation: 15 August 1945

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This map only gives rough impression about area and location.

1st stamp issue (Kerr 2.1) [Kerr listed this issue under Arongqi (阿榮旗)]:

Provisional Issue: Stamps Overprinted “Chinese Republic” (1946)
Issued: June 1946
Issued by: Najitun Post Office (那吉屯邮政局)
Overprint: “Chinese Republic” (“中華民國”)
Print: Hand-overprinted with rubber chop
Currency: Nenjiang Coupons (嫩江券)

Unused stamps of this issue are rare.

All stamps of this issue shown here.


The year in the cancelation is missing (sometimes is filled out by hand) for all known covers.

I’m not quite sure about the postal rate in Najitun. Covers existing franked with 2 up to 5 stamps in a time frame from June ~ August 1946 without any logical order. I can say it was not the destination or sending date. Also no tracks of additional postal services on covers with 4 or 5 stamps can be found. Was it the weight of the letter? Any other reason? If anyone has more information please share with me.

– All shown sets exists genuine used on domestic covers.

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