Heli (鶴立) – Date of Liberation: 1945 (August 13)
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This map only gives rough impression about area and location.
Kerr 64.1-18 belongs to the town Lianjiangkou (蓮江口) [Kerr 124]
1st stamp issue (Kerr 64.19-26):
Provisional Issue: | Stamps Overprinted and Surcharged (1946) |
Issued: | 1946 (June) |
Issued by: | Heli Postal Administration (鶴立郵政管理局) |
Overprint: | New Value (overprint was made in black or blue on overprinted stamps from Changchun [長春]) |
Print: | Hand-overprinted with wooden chop |
Currency: | Northeast Currency (東北幣) |
All stamps of this issue shown here.
2nd stamp issue (Kerr 64.27-34):
Commemorative Issue: | Stamps Overprinted “July 7 Incident” (1946) |
Issued: | 1946 (July) |
Issued by: | Heli Postal Administration (鶴立郵政管理局) |
Overprint: | “July 7 Incident” (“日七月七抗戰紀念”), additional overprint on previous issue |
Print: | Hand-overprinted with wooden chop |
Currency: | Northeast Currency (東北幣) |
All stamps of this issue shown here.
3rd stamp issue (Kerr 64.35-38):
Commemorative Issue: | Stamps Overprinted “Chinese Republic Post – August 15 Commemoration” and Surcharged (1946) |
Issued: | 1946 (August) |
Issued by: | Heli Postal Administration (鶴立郵政管理局) |
Overprint: | “Chinese Republic Post – August 15 Commemoration” (“中華民國郵政 – 紀念八弌五復歸我國土” 改值郵票) |
Print: | Hand-overprinted with wooden chop |
Currency: | Northeast Currency (東北幣) |
All stamps of this issue shown here.
4th stamp issue (Kerr 64.39-40):
Provisional Issue: | Stamps Overprinted “Chinese Republic Changed to” and Surcharged (1946) |
Issued: | 1946 (October) |
Issued by: | Heli Postal Administration (鶴立郵政管理局) |
Overprint: | “Chinese Republic Changed to” (“中華民國 改作” 改值郵票) |
Print: | Hand-overprinted with wooden chop |
Currency: | Northeast Currency (東北幣) |
All unused stamps I saw don’t have gum anymore (so I would say, no gum for this issue is no devaluation). There must be a postal rate change in around October 1946 for this area, the new denomination of 4 元 for example is unusual. All stamps of this issue shown here.
Stampless cover (Postage Paid):
– All shown sets exists (all stamps of each set) genuine used on domestic covers.
Not shown:
– Kerr 64.1-18: These stamps belongs to the town Lianjiangkou (蓮江口) [Kerr 124] (issued June 1946)