3rd Issue Tien An Men Gate Design (三版天安門東北貼用票)

Northeast Post and Telecommunications General Branch of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (邮电部东北邮电总分局) Yang NE182-184, J.DB — Color variations of 5000 元 denomination (dark yellowish orange, reddish orange): Cover: Remarks (in general / for this issue): – Stamps of this…

Defending World Peace (保衛世界和平)

State General Administration of Posts (國家郵政總局) Yang C34-36, J.DB — Originals: Reprints: For the reprints were the same printing plates without any modifications used so the differences originals / reprints are harder to recognize: 1.) Color of the stamps (originals…

First Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國開國一周年紀念)

China Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (中國郵電部) Yang C42-46, J.DB — Originals: Reprints: For the reprints were the same printing plates and printing factory without any modifications used so the differences originals / reprints are harder to recognize: 1.) Color…

First National Postal Conference (第一屆全國郵政會議)

China Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (中國郵電部) Yang C49-50, J.DB — Originals: Reprints: Differences between originals and reprints: a.) Perforation: L14 (originals), L12½ (reprints) b.) Reprints have a slighter different color shade and a more accurate drawing so you can recognize…

4th Issue Tien An Men Gate Design (四版天安門東北貼用票)

Northeast Post and Telecommunications Administration of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (郵電部東北郵電管理局) Yang NE172-181, J.DB — Color varieties: 500 元, brownish oliv, oliv: 2000 元, oliv green, blackish oliv green: 2500 元, dark yellow orange, orange yellow: 12500 元,…

Memorial of Signing Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance (中蘇友好同盟互助條約簽訂紀念)

China Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (中國郵電部) Yang C54-56, J.DB — Originals: Reprints: For the reprints were the same printing plates without any modifications used so the differences originals / reprints are harder to recognize: a.) Reprints were printed on…