Heilongjiang Province (黑龍江省) Local Issue, Gannan (甘南)

Gannan (甘南) – Date of Liberation: 11 December 1945, first magistrate: Di Jin (翟勁)

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This map only gives rough impression about area and location.

1st stamp issue (Kerr 89.11-12 / red overprint, 89.13-22 / dark violet overprint):

Provisional Issue: Stamps Overprinted "Chinese Postal Service Temporarily Used for"
Issued:April 1946
Issued by:Gannan Postal Administration (甘南郵政管理局)
Overprint"Chinese Postal Service Temporarily Used for" ("中華郵政 暫用")
Overprint method:Hand-overprinted with rubber chop
Currency:Northeast Currency (東北幣)
Not all stamps of this issue shown here.

Stamps of this issue don’t exists ununsed. The two listed denomination 2 分 and 4 分 with red overprint (Kerr 89.9-10) have a slightly different overprint. We can call them under best case bogus, I will not list them. Besides these two stamps never had a practically use for postage stamps in April 1946 anyway.

Trade Prices 2019 (USD)
Kerr Cat. No.Remarks
5 分 oliv blackK13
89.13lithography, dark violet overprint
10 分 rose redK13
89.14-15lithography, dark violet overprint
13 分 blackish brownK13
89.16engraved, dark violet overprint
20 分 dark ochre brownK13
89.17lithography, dark violet overprint
30 分 blackish ochreK13
89.18lithography, dark violet overprint
40 分 blackish olivK13
89.19-20lithography, dark violet overprint
50 分 blackish brown olivK13
89.21engraved, dark violet overprint
--engraved, dark violet inverted overprint
89.11engraved, red overprint
1 元 blackish red greyK13
89.22lithography, dark violet overprint
89.12lithography, red overprint
Set of 11

– All shown sets exists (at least some stamps of each set) genuine used on domestic covers.
– Kerr 89.1-8: Set is unknown to be genuine used, possible not issued / bogus.
– Kerr 89.9-10: Similar overprint as regular issue / bogus.